
Jan 22, 2008

Happy Feet

I always say, if all else fails, buy shoes! After a pretty emotionally challenging week, by the time Saturday rolled around, I was really looking forward to spending the day shoe shopping with my Mom. I really don't need any new shoes, especially black ones, but I just couldn't help myself! The intention was to find her some shoes, I was just along to offer my opinion - that's the story, anyway . . . I knew I was leaving with my own new shoes as soon as I slipped on a pair 'just to see how they looked on me'. Yeah, right! Note To Self: Next time wear work boots with the long laces that take way too long to get on and off! Oh well, the shoes were 40% and I just couldn't pass up that deal. I now have another pair of black heels and a really cool pair of brown ones that will go with everything! Even tho the weather was dreary and cold, we had a great time!

We also went to the book store and I picked up a couple funny mysteries by Nancy Martin. (Some Like It Lethal and Have Your Cake and Kill Him Too). I'm making my way thru all of her 'Blackbird Sisters Series'. I'm still reading Infidel, but that's some pretty heavy stuff. So I wanted something light and fun for the days I'm not in the mood for heavy reality. I've fallen behind a bit on my reading of The One Year Bible, so I hope to make some time this week to catch up on that. I don't want to get too far behind, then the whole concept of reading the Bible in one year will be a bust!

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