
Feb 4, 2008

Back On Track

I think I've finally gotten over that awful flu I had and now I'm back to normal. I finished Some Like It Lethal by Nancy Martin over the weekend. It's the third in the Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series and I must say, I really enjoyed it. The story, although at times, unrealistic, kept my attention and wasn't so far out that it seemed ridiculous. I also like the characters in her stories, which makes it more enjoyable to read. I believe there are two more books in the series and I have one of them, Have Your Cake and Kill Him Too. I just need to find out if that is the next one in order.

I've started another book called The Alchemist. A friend recently read it and he really enjoyed it and passed it on to me. It was written in 1988 by Paolo Coelho, a Brazilian author and translated into English in either 1993 or 1994, I believe. Its an easy, quick read so I look forward to breezing thru it. I have so many books on my TBR list and I hope to make a good dent in that list this year. So far I've gotten off to a good start. Deep Dish, by Mary Kay Andrews (aka Kathy Trochek) comes out later this month. I'm really looking forward to that. Also I've heard alot about Kim Edward's The Memory Keepers Daughter. I've seen mixed reviews, but I think I'm going to pick up a paperback copy and see how I like it. But first I have to get thru The Alchemist.

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