
Feb 18, 2008

Great American Race Day

NASCAR season is here! All the anticipation and excitement came to a head Sunday in Daytona. The weather for the race was fabulous, if maybe a little warm, but it was a good race. Not alot happened in the first half, but once the sun went down and the track started to cool, cars were going faster and drivers were getting ambitious. Dale Jr. was in the top 10 for most of the race and I thought he may even finish 3rd or 4th, but it wasn't meant to be. He ended up finishing 9th, thanks to a caution on the second to last lap. Even tho I'm happy for Ryan Newman, (his first win in 2 years) I felt a little disappointed that there was a caution right when things were getting interesting in the final laps.

I even managed to whip up a quick meal during the race. I stir-fried yellow squash, red bell pepper and onion, then added some rice and soy sauce. Then I cooked some shrimp for a few minutes in boiling water then tossed them in with the rice and veggies and added a little stir fry sauce. It was light and delicous!! The shrimp was succulant! I'm getting pretty good at my shrimp dishes. Overall it was a great race with great food!

I even managed to finish Cross Your Heart and Hope To Die yesterday before the race. Now I'm on to the fifth in the series, Have Your Cake and Kill Him Too. I'm hooked on these Blackbird Sisters mysteries. I need to finish Elizabeth Adwards biography so I can get it back to the library, but I keep reaching for my mysteries!


  1. I'm not a big Nascar fan but my husband is.. I got him a "racing adventure" for his birthday. Next Saturday he's going to be in a real Nascar car at Calif. Speedway zipping around the track for 30 minutes (after taking a class). I'm nervous about it but he is beyond excited.

  2. That is awesome!! I'm sure he is sooo excited! 30 minutes is a long time in race car! I wish him all the luck!

  3. HI again, yeah, that's what they told me. It's incredibly expensive and I thought, wow 30 minutes doesn't seem like much, but they said, No-it is extremely intense. Thanks for the good wishes!


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