
Feb 23, 2008

A Wine Tasting

At last! I've finally found the white wine I've been searching for! For the past several months I've been on a journey of wines. Previously, more of a liquor drinker, I decided that I wanted to learn more about wines. I started my quest looking for a nice red wine. After many bottles of different reds, I finally came to the conclusion that I don't really care for the reds. Although, there was a California red Zinfindel that wasn't too bad. Anyway, I've found my white wine. It's a 2006 Chardonnay from Alice White Vineyards located in Southeastern Australia. I've had the Australian Shiraz (a red), which I do like, but this Chardonnay is more tasty than the others I've tried. I've sampled YellowTail, Kendall Jackson and even the very popular Fat Bastard. But I like the Alice White Chardonnay the best. Its not bitter, acidic or too dry. I did alot of research and even some people on the Chowhound boards recommended this brand. Its crisp, light and fruity. It goes well with chicken, seafood and pastas, especially creamy pastas. Its not too expensive either. I picked up a big bottle at the grocery on sale for $10. I'm pairing it with shrimp and veggies this evening for a light dinner. I'm so happy!

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