
Mar 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day!

People always seem to be in a good mood on Saint Patricks Day. I don't know if its all the green beer or knowing that spring is here. For me, its doubly nice because its my birthday! One thing about having your birthday on St. Patricks Day is that there is always a party somewhere. Just make sure to wear something green or you'll get pinched! My parents came over last week and brought my present early. It was actually more from my Dad. He is very crafty and loves to build things. Presents from him are always very special because you know he made them and it is very meaningful. This year he made a table for my living room that matches all my other furniture with a slide-out for a place for drinks. It has a small shelf on one side and a closed compartment with a door on the front. And he also gave me a lamp to read by. He calls this my reading table. It matches the other pieces he's made previously, which includes an entry table and a matching framed mirror that sits in my foyer. I'll get some photographs posted in the coming days. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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