
Mar 7, 2008

My American Idol Pick

I normally don't get into American Idol until it gets closer to the finals, but this year, the talent has gotten better. At first, I thought the girls were going to run away with it, but after a few weeks, I've changed my mind. I think the boys have the upper hand. One in particular has really impressed me. And he happens to be the youngest contestant. His name is David Archuleta and he is 17 yrs old. But he's been singing since he was little. He has a wonderful, full voice and he sings with such ease. Last week he sang his own arrangement of John Lennon's Imagine and blew everyone away. It was amazing! Click here to see the video of it on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. I like little David too. I remember him from Star SEarch. He's incredible. However, I really like David Cook (is that his name?) and Michael Johns, too. The girls are not impressing me much this year.


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