
Apr 17, 2008

Book Review: Deep Dish

Being a Southerner, it isn't hard to figure that I love Southern Fiction and no one does it like Mary Kay Andrews. DEEP DISH is the story of Gina Foxton and Tate Moody, two regional TV chefs from Atlanta who are competing for their own show on a national cooking network. They end up doing a reality-type competition and the winner gets the new show. You don't have to be a foodie to enjoy this book. Its a fun story that has original twists in it, but overall, the ending is predictable. The characters are new and are independant of the SAVANNAH BLUES series. Like all her charachters in her books, they are likable and quirky. There's just enough romance and excitement, but if you're looking for hot, steamy romance, this isn't the book for you. It was a quick read and entertaining enough that when I did have to stop reading to go work or do house chores, I wanted to hurry and get back to see what would happen next. Its a great summer read that has a feel-good ending.

Mary Kay is currently working on her next book, THE FIXER UPPER, which will take readers back to the SAVANNAH BLUES series and beloved characters Weezie and Bebe. You can click here to check out her website for more information on all her books.

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