
Apr 29, 2008

The Kitten & the Book

When I got home from work yesterday, THE EX-DEBUTANTE by Linda Francis Lee was waiting in my mailbox. This is the book I've been asked to review by I am so excited and pleased to read and review this book. Fortunatly for me, its the kind of book I enjoy. It's clever, witty southern fiction that I hope has a good storyline. I tried to get started on it last evening, however Jax, my new kitty had other plans for me. What is it with cats and books? Its like they don't want you to read! Every time I'd pick up the book, he'd come from nowhere and just plop himself down right on the page I was trying to read. So I'd set the book aside and give him all of my attention. This went on all nite. Finally when he wore himself out and fell asleep I picked up the book to get a few pages in, but by then it was late and I couldn't keep my eyes open! I get up at 5:15 am every morning, so by 10:30 pm I'm fighting to stay awake. Me and Jax are going to have to come to an agreement about my reading! I'll see how it goes tonite!

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