
May 28, 2008

Mailbox Goodies

I love to come home and find books in my mailbox! Especially on a Wednesday, a day that is smack dab in the middle of a work week! It's like a special treat to get you thru to Friday! Even though I was off work on Monday, I'm still looking forward to the weekend.

In my package today were 2 of the 3 books I've chosen to review for The Book Network, JUST WHO WILL YOU BE by Maria Shriver and THE SNAKE CHARMER by Jamie James. They're both non-fiction and I'm especially eager to read Maria's. However, I have about 40 pages left of THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING. I'll be finishing that tonite. As far as the review goes, I'm going to need to think about how I feel about that book beforehand. (That remark will be explained in my review).

I hope everyone is having a good book-week and may you find something special in your mailbox too.

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