
May 31, 2008

Review: Just Who Will You Be?

A few weeks ago I received a list from an authors representative of upcoming book releases that I could choose to review. When I saw JUST WHO WILL YOU BE? by Maria Shriver, I knew that was my first pick. I remembered seeing her on the Today Show and how she spoke straight from her heart when talking about this book. I just knew she really believed in it and wanted to share her thoughts and experiences.

I've never read any of her other books. And I don't know much about her aside from her being a Kennedy, married to Arnold and being the First Lady of the State of California. She has always seemed very professional and confident in all the interviews and reports she's done on tv. Like she knew exactly who she was and what she was doing. I guess being born into the Shriver/Kennedy family you're expected to do great things and be ambitious and professional. Surprisingly and happily, this book shows a completely different side of Maria.

She is warm, funny and even after all the success she's had professionally and personally (by raising a wonderful family), she has an uncertainty and almost a shyness about who Maria Shriver is. Its endearing, actually to know that someone of her public stature and familial fame could be unsure of herself. She's a 'real' person. She could be any one of us.

The speech she gave at a high school graduation was the basis for this book and it was a terrific speech! Sadly, I can't even remember who the guest speaker was at my own graduation, but I can tell you with almost certainty that the graduating class that was fortunate enough to have Ms. Shriver, won't soon forget. It was inspirational without being boring or ordinary. This little book is the perfect graduation or birthday gift for someone who is about to enter a new phase of their life or even someone who is thinking of making a change and just needs a little encouragement. Its a great book to pass on to people you care about.


  1. I'm not sure there was a speaker at my high school graduation. This sounds like a really interesting read.

  2. I'm not sure there was a speaker at my high school graduation. This sounds like a really interesting read.

  3. Meg - thank you for your comment - I'm so anxious to read THE WEDNESDAY SISTER! Its at the top of my TBR list! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. I love Maria Shriver! Your review definitely makes me want to read this book!


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