
Jun 17, 2008

Readers & A Book Giveaway!

There are so many great book blogs out there that I've become addicted to reading and it can be very time consuming to visit each individual website. But I have found the greatest helper! OK, I admit it - I may be a little slow, but I only recently (in the last few months) figured out what a 'reader' is and what it does. In my particular case, Google Reader. Since I only started blogging in January, I'm still learning about all this new technology. Everyday I learn something new.

I wonder how I got along for so long without using the Reader tool. If you haven't familiarized yourself with this timesaving little gem, I would highly recommend checking it out. I spend half the time I used to reading all the blogs I enjoy so much. I even have the online version of my local newspaper included so every morning, within minutes I'm caught up on what's happening in my community. Time is so short as it is and this really makes it nice. Since I now have my list of blogs that I subscribe to in my reader, (and that list grows every week!) I simply go to my Reader and there they all are!

Speaking of great blogs, my blogger buddie Julie P. at Booking Mama has a terrific post today. It's an interview with Meg Waite Clayton, the author of the new novel, THE WEDNESDAY SISTERS, which is being released today, in fact! She was one of the lucky ones to receive an advanced copy so you can also find her review there as well. In addition, Ms. Julie has an extra copy of the book, so she is giving it away to one lucky reader! All you have to do is go to Booking Mama and leave a comment to be entered! Good luck everyone!

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