
Jun 29, 2008

The Sunday Salon: And The Winner Is . . .

Hello Saloners! I'm a little late today in getting my post up and its going to be a short one. As you may or may not know, Florida is the lightning capital of the world and yesterday Mother Nature apparently wanted to remind me of that fact. (As if I needed reminding). While I was out enjoying myself at a friends wedding, my house got hit. My neighbors tell me it waa a terrible storm. I lost 2 televisions, 2 telephones and MY COMPUTER! I was so upset when I got home! So I'm at my parents house using their computer! Well, enough of my woes . . .

I hosted a giveaway of my ARC copy of Maryann McFadden's THE RICHEST SEASON this week and its time to announce the winner! And the lucky bibliophile is . . . Naida over at The Bookworm! Congratulations Naida and I hope you enjoy your book! I'll be leaving a comment momentarliy on your Sunda Salon post and I'll get your mailing address so I can get your book to you. This was my first giveaway and it was a lot of fun. I'd like to thank all of you who participated.
I finished up GARDEN SPELLS by Sara Addison Allen this weekend. I loved that book! But more on that when I post my review in a few days, somehow, while borrowing someone elses computer! I also took Booking Mamas advise and picked up a copy of DRIVING SIDEWAYS yesterday. She loved it so much that I had to read it myself! I've read Jess Riley's blog and I love the way she writes! So thanks Julie P. for the recommendation!
I may not get to visit many of your blogs today as I'm not on my own computer. I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday and reading wonderful books! I'll see you 'round the blogs!


  1. Can't wait to hear if you like it!

  2. Oh, Lisa!

    I lived in Ft. Myers for 18 years, and I know how bad that lightning can be. It fried all of the computers in my library one night.

    Good luck getting everything replaced.

    And, I loved Garden Spells. I liked her new one, The Sugar Queen, but Garden Spells was my favorite of the two.

  3. Oh no, that's terrible but you're ok! Good luck on getting everything taken care of.

  4. Thanks so much just made my day!
    Sorry to hear about the storm, at least no one was hurt.

    Enjoy your reading :)

  5. It's probably as well you were out. A neighbour's house was hit last year and the shock of that was enough to rock everything in my place. Goodness knows how frightening it would have been if you'd been in.

  6. Julie P. - I'll link my review to you when I'm finished. :)

    Lesa - I LOVED Garden Spells! I think I'm going to wait before reading SQ, I don't want to make too many comparisons of the two. Someone mentioned to me they read them back to back and the 2nd suffered because of it. So I'll wait a bit.

    My journey - yes I think I was lucky my house didn't catch fire. Whew!

    Naida - I'm so glad I could make your day! Hope you enjoy your new book.

    Table Talk - yes I think I am glad I wasn't home. That wouldn've freaked me out!

    Thank you all for your well wishes and concern. Hopefully I'll be able to get things replaced without too much hassle. At least I have my computer at work, so I'm not completely cut off! Just won't be bloggin' much. Hope y'all have a good week!

  7. (I hope you like it, too!!) :)

    Thanks so much for picking up a copy...I'd love to send you a signed book plate, if you're interested! jess (at)

  8. Jess - thanks so much. That would be fantastic! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!