Bookroom Reviews has announced another huge giveway from Hatchette Book Group. Five lucky people will win a set of 14 books from all different genres so there's sure to be something for everyone! There'a also a chance for one additional person to win Stephanie Meyer's new book BREAKING DAWN. There are many ways to get entered, so click here for all the details. The contest deadline is August 9th at midnight, so you have plenty of time to get entered. Be sure to go to Bookroom Reviews site to check out some of the titles in the set. I saw several that I would love to have!

I've never been lucky enough to win a book in a giveaway, but its still exciting for the chance! I especially love the thought of getting books from authors I've never read before! Good luck to everyone!
Thanks, Lisa, for the shout out!! Also, I want to talk to you about something.. can you email me??