
Aug 15, 2008

100 Things For My 100th Post

100 posts!! Wow - that was fast! So in keeping with the blogger tradition of doing the 100 Things About Me Meme, here are mine! I hope you find them at least a little interesting.


1. I grew up on a farm
2. I believe in UFO’s
3. I learned to play the clarinet in the 5th grade
4. I wanted to play the saxophone
5. In the 8th grade I traded my clarinet for my friend’s saxophone
6. My parents made me give it back
7. My dad recently commented that he wished I’d played the saxophone
8. He didn’t remember the sax/clarinet incident
9. I’m very close to my mother
10. I look like my dad
11. I’m sarcastic
12. I like sarcasm
13. My best friend is sarcastic
14. We embrace it
15. I cry easily
16. I had a great childhood
17. I’m allergic to strawberries
18. My lips swell up when I eat them
19. I hate alligators (I have reoccurring nightmares of them)
20. I hate liars more than anything
21. I wish I wasn't so gullible
22. I started this blog because I was bored one day
23. I didn’t expect to love it so much
24. I get homesick when I’m away from home
25. I used to think I was clairvoyant at times
26. I’ve never told anybody that before
27. I’m good at trivia
28. My friends/family call me with random questions all the time
29. I lost a close friend to prescription drug overdose
30. The drugs ruined our friendship and her life
31. I spoke at her funeral
32. I think about her all the time
33. Most of my friends I’ve known for more than 10 years
34. I’ve known my boyfriend for 26 years
35. I met him when I was 18
36. He was 31
37. I instantly had a crush on him
38. I was married to someone else for 11 years
39. I worked at a lumber yard for 7 years
40. I did not load trucks
41. I used to work for a helicopter company
42. I did not fly helicopters
43. I love to go out to eat
44. I’m indecisive
45. I wish I was more sure of myself
46. My first car was a 1972 2 cylinder Honda Coupe
47. It was so small the boys from high school would pick it up and move it on me
48. I paid cash for it when I was 15 with my waitressing tips
49. I didn’t have a drivers license then
50. I don’t have a drivers license now
51. I’ve never been arrested
52. I’ve had my phone tapped
53. By the FBI
54. They were looking for a friend of mine
55. He was not a good person
56. I didn’t know that then
57. They told me
58. They shot and killed him
59. They called and told me that too
60. My first concert was Peter Frampton (1977)
61. My favorite concert was U2 in 1983
62. I always wanted a Chevelle Super Sport
63. I hate loud noises
64. I have excellent hearing
65. I used to write poetry
66. When I was younger I wanted to write short stories
67. I love dark chocolate
68. I have a brown thumb
69. I always wanted a green thumb
70. I watch soap operas
71. I'm a dreamer
72. I love old western movies (John Wayne)
73. I love Feta Cheese
74. Dark Blue is my favorite color
75. I once drank a jar of olive juice after I finished off the olives
76. I snore
77. I once won a trophy in a bass fishing tournament for biggest fish
78. I LOVE football
79. I’m named after a character on a soap opera, (thanks Mom)
80. I used to be a professional nail technician (Manicurist)
81. I hate black licorice
82. I’ve always wanted to play the piano
83. After reading a book about Helen Keller when i was a kid, I used to pretend I was blind to see what it would be like
84. I was diagnosed with a degenerative retinal disease (RP) at 25 yrs old
85. My sister has it too
86. I never thought I’d get married
87. I’m still friends with my first love
88. I love strawberry ice cream
89. I've never had stitches
90. When i was younger I quit a job to go see Journey in concert
91. My boyfriend at the time got sick and we had to leave the concert BEFORE Journey came out.
92. I got another job the next day
93. I never saw Journey in concert
94. I’m very sentimental
95. I showed Quarter Horses as a kid
96. I love to get up early in the morning (before 7:00) on the weekends
97. I hate sugar in my coffee
98. I never went to my Senior Prom
99. I love cold weather
100. Fire is my biggest fear

Probably more than you needed to know about me! I hope y'all have a great Friday!


  1. Congratulations on making the 100 post mark! I liked learning all that stuff about you.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was actually hard to come up with all that!

  4. wow, you've got a memoir in there somewhere :) I missed my 100th post (phew, dodged that bullet, trying to come up with 100 things!).

    I loved the clarinet/saxaphone saga!

  5. wow, you've got a memoir in there somewhere :) I missed my 100th post (phew, dodged that bullet, trying to come up with 100 things!).

    I loved the clarinet/saxaphone saga!

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