
Aug 19, 2008

TS Fay Update & 'Matrimony' Giveaway

As I sit here waiting on the winds and rain to arrive from South Florida, I'm catching up on my blog reading. The storm is due to reach my area in a few hours and should last until Wednesday morning. I won't be doing anything on my computer during that time, as I just got everything replaced from a lightening strike last month. I'm not taking any chances. This is what it looked like this morning.

One more thing before I shut down my computer - I want to mention a book giveaway from Naida at the Bookworm. She has a signed copy of MATRIMONY by Joshua Henkin she is giving away to a lucky reader. She's written a fabulous review of the book as well. You can read it here and also find out how to get entered into the contest. The drawing will be held Saturday, August 30th, so you have plenty of time. I have read so many great things about this book and I would love to win it!

Good Luck to everyone!


  1. I hope that the storm treats you well or at least not too badly.

  2. thanks for blogging about my contest lisa :)

    hope all is well and that storm passes. stay safe!

  3. I hope the storm passes without too much of a problem. Stay inside and read :-)


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