
Sep 29, 2008

The Sunday Salon: If It's Not One Thing . . .

This is not going to be my regular Sunday Salon post. Obviously, it's now Monday and I'm a day late! That's the first clue things are not going well with me. I just can't seem to get a head lately. Everything I touch blows up in my face, or more specifically, lightening strikes it and blows it up. Since the latest strike two weeks ago, I'm still living without a microwave, which is killing me, without an oven, which will become a bigger issue as the holidays get closer but thank God I DID get a replacement coffee pot thanks to my BFF! When you don't drive you don't have the liberty to just run to the store and pick up whatever you need. Everything must be planned.

Then last week things were put into perspective for me. It was a terrible week for two very special people in my life, making my little trivial problems seem not so bad. For one, my best friend's mother died and even though it was expected, it doesn't make it any easier when it finally happens. Then the next day my boyfriend's nephew died when the plane he was piloting had engine trouble on take off and crashed in upstate New York. So here I am with two of the most important people in my life and they are both hurting and I can do very little to help them. Suddenly my lack of appliances felt unimportant and stupid.

The reason I am a day late in posting my Sunday Salon post is that my brand new computer of less than two months is acting crazy! It decided to shut down all on its own for no reason and then I got the dreaded 'Blue Screen Of Death' that said FATAL ERROR! What???!!! So needless to say I am sans computer at home and using the computer at my office to get this done - which I shouldn't really be doing considering the mound of paperwork I have on my desk!

Since I won't be online until I get my computer back, I'm dedicating this week to catching up on my reading. Given the events of last week, I haven't really had the mindset to read so I've really fallen behind. I found myself in a bit of a rut and just didn't have the desire to crack open a book. Do you ever get like that? Anyway, I apologize for the lateness of this post. I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday and I look forward to catching up on my blog reading when I get my computer back. I'll see you then!


  1. Whew - it has just not been your month! I'm sorry to hear about your computer!

  2. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about all those events. I hope that you find some peace soon.

  3. Thank you both so much for your kind words. It has been a rough month, but I'm looking forward to better days ahead. :)

  4. You're right - when you hear about the things you friend and boyfriend went through - it makes some problems in your life seem trivial.

    I hope things start getting better for you...and my thoughts are with the two most important people in your life.

    Yes, I sometimes get in a reading slump and lose the desire to read - but then sometimes picking up a comfort read helps me get back in the swing of things.

  5. Here's what I'm is the start of a new month. Woo! Not so good in September. Great in October!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!