
Sep 21, 2008

The Sunday Salon

Oh how I wish I could say that I read a lot this past week, but that simply is not the case. I just couldn’t seem to get any decent reading time in. The book I’m currently reading is OUT STEALING HORSES by Per Petterson. I’ve been wanting to read it for awhile now and please don’t get the impression that just because I’ve hit a rut this week I’m not enjoying the story, because that is not what is happening. This week was hectic for me. Some of you may remember that back in June my house was hit by lightening and I lost all my electronics . . . Well, it happened again. Wednesday afternoon I came home to darkness and the smell of burnt electric. I’m not quite sure what happened, but the power company told me it was lightening. However, thanks to my DVR I know exactly what time it happened and according to my neighbors who were home, it wasn’t even storming at that time. I intend to get to the bottom if it. Well, whatever it was took out my stove, microwave and most importantly my coffee pot! Ok, so maybe the stove is more important, but the coffee pot is a close second. So along with all that drama, I’ve also been fighting a sore throat and have just been feeling a little under the weather. I’m hoping to get back on track starting today.

In book news this week, I posted a review of MUDBOUND by Hillary Jordan. You can read that review here. I loved the book and now I’m anxiously awaiting her next release. Ms. Jordan is no doubt a very gifted writer and I enjoyed her storytelling very much. Please take a moment to read my review. I know I probably sound like Ms. Jordan’s publicist, but I feel her book is one that shouldn’t be missed.

Also this week I finished the audio book of Sarah Addison Allen’s (of Garden Spells fame) novella, IN MY DREAMS. It’s the first audio cd I’ve listened to and I found it to be very good. You can find it at BelleBooks. Look for that review in the next day or so.

Even though I didn’t get a lot of reading done, there was some excitement at Books & Cooks this week . . . I won my first book!! Thanks go out to The Literary Feline for hosting the giveaway of Joshua Henkin’s book MATRIMONY. I feel like possibly the last person on Earth to read the book, but all I can say is - better late than never! I got an email from Mr. Henkin this morning letting me know my signed copy is on its way and he’s also asked me to host my own giveaway in October. So be sure to check back in the coming weeks for more information.

I hope all of you get to spend a relaxing day doing what you want to do. I look forward to visiting your blogs to see what you’re reading. For now I’m off to grab my book and a glass of iced tea and start reading! Then later I’ll be checking out the blogs. Take care!


  1. Hey, I like that Obama button on your sidebar!

    So sorry to hear about your electrical problem - that must be so disconcerting, not to mention really inconvenient!

    I read Out Stealing Horses and loved it, the writing is exquisite. Also read Mudbound this summer and agree with you, it's a must read.

    Enjoy your Sunday - hope you get to the bottom of the electrical problem and stay safe!

  2. I had the same kind of hectic week, sans a lightning strike. Wow! What are the odds?

    Hope next week is a better one.

  3. Darn, that sounds like a horrid week you had!

    The books you mentioned sound good and I'll be on the lookout for them.

    Yes, it did warm up and I went to the beach in shorts and short-sleeved shirt and read for a couple hours. Heavenly!

  4. Lisa, thanks for visiting! I've been to your site once before and I'm glad to have found it again.

  5. Terri - I noticed you have the same one on your blog! :) Yes, I'm growing very tired of coming home to electrical problems. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Karen - I hope next week is better for both of us!

    Linda - I'm glad you were able to enjoy the beach today. It's a steamy 88 here now!

    Audrey - I'm so glad you found your way back to my blog! I've added you to my reader subscriptions. I'll see you around the blogs!

  6. I'm sorry about your electrical problem. Burnt smell is always alarming.

    Let us know how you like Out Stealing Horses, which has stirred up quite a gale in local bookstores here. :)

  7. OMG-- I am so sorry to hear about your electric problems! I hope that you get to the bottom of it and that you have everything fixed soon. I have also not had much time to read, but I am really enjoying the long book which has kept me occupied for almost three weeks.

  8. Oh. My. Gosh. How horrible. Lightening is bad enough. That has happened to us. Luckily someone is home all the time and can unplug when the storms are overhead. But that it wasn't lightening? That's scary!

  9. Whew, sounds like you've had quite the week!

    I'm glad you're liking Out Stealing Horses, I've really been wanting to read it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!