
Oct 17, 2008

The Secret Life of Bees in Theatres Today!

If you're like me and you loved Sue Monk Kidd's THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES novel, then today is an exciting day! The film version is coming out today on the big screen! The movie, starring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah and many other wonderful actors is sure to be a real treat!

I normally don't get overly excited about movies, but I loved this story so much and I have been anxiously waiting for this interpretation of the book. If you're unfamiliar with the book, click here to read my review of the book from earlier this year.
Click here to see the movie trailer in case you haven't seen it on tv. If you plan on seeing it, but sure to come back and leave a comment and tell us what you thought of it.


  1. I'm going to try to find time to re-read *The Secret Life of Bees* before seeing the movie. I rarely go out to a film, we're more of a Netflix family, but this looks like it will be great on the big screen!

  2. I havent read it yet, but do want to before I see the movie.

  3. Dawn - I am not a movie-goer at all, but I'm making an exception with this one. I hope I'm not disappointed like I usually am with movies.

    Naida - you should read the book first, it is a wonderfully written story.

  4. Secret life of bees is the latest for me. It is about a girl just like me who is run away from home and live with some dearest people Life is surly a story and a task to achieve. It is not about the races it is about the humanity most of the times saw it from fantastic it is


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