
Oct 26, 2008

The Sunday Salon: A Nip in the Air

Hello fellow Saloners and happy Sunday! I awoke to temperatures in the high 50's this morning with the sun shining! I got up long enough to make coffee, grab my book and climb back into bed. It was wonderful!! I love these brisk mornings of fall, which we don't get many of in October here in central Florida.
I stayed in bed reading until 9:00 so that I could finish TOMATO GIRL. Wow! What a story! I can't wait to get some time later today to begin my review. I'm so thankful to Jayne Pupek for sending me this incredible book. I don't want to say too much right now, so please do come back for that review.

This past week I mostly spent reading. I didn't get any new books. I've kind of banned myself from new books at least until I read a few of the ones I have already. They are piling up pretty high!

In non-book news, I did have a surprise from my dad this week. Some of you may remember that my house has been cursed by lightening strikes this past summer and I lost many of my electronics. In particular, my televisions. Well, I made out like a bandit with the replacements, however my new tv wouldn't fit in my entertainment center. (Truth be told, I hated that thing anyway!) I am blessed to have a very talented, thoughtful father and as an early Christmas present he made for me a new TV cabinet that matches all of the other furniture in my living room, some of which he's also made. When I came home from work the other day, I was surprised to find this beautiful cabinet underneath my new television!

That's about all of the interesting news I have for this week, so I'm off now to do some blog reading and later watch some football. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday and that you're having beautiful weather too! What are you reading today?


  1. Looking forward to your Tomato Girl review...this was a difficult read, but absolutely compelling. I think it will rank on many "best of the year" lists.

  2. That's beautiful! When I was little my bedroom had an alcove of sorts and my dad made a built-in desk and bookshelves for me to fit. I was just sorry that I couldn't take them with me when they finally moved house. (Thanks for visiting!)

  3. What a nice thing for your dad to make for you!

  4. Your father does great work! It was so nice of him to sneak it in there, too.

  5. Jayne Pupek is awesome! I haven't gotten a chance to read her book yet, but she is very friendly. She let me do an interview with her on my blog a few weeks back. Check it out if you're interested!

    interview with Jayne Pupek

  6. Jill - I'm excited to write my review. There's so much to say about this book!

    Audrey - Thank you! I understand how you felt. I've been fortunate to have had many things my dad has made for me and having to leave behind certain pieces is always hard.

    BM - I was thrilled!

    Memory - I guess its not so bad when your parents have a key to your house! lol

    Emma - Your interview with Jayne was very interesting. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting!

  7. Definitely link! I think I'll link to your review as well, once it's up. That way people can learn about Jayne, and about her work. Thanks for stopping by, and I've got your blog on my list, so I'll be checking in :)

  8. What a wonderful gift! Your dad is talented and thoughtful.

    *Tomato Girl* is waiting on my shelf for me; hopefully I'll dig into it in the next week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!