
Dec 3, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Jo-Jo from Jo-Jo Loves to Read tagged me a few weeks ago for Wyn’s Sunday Meme.

The meme:

1. What book is on the left hand side of your computer or closest to the left hand side?
The closest book to the left side of my computer is THE THIRTEETH TALE by Diane Setterfield. The reason it is that I just received it in the mail a few days ago and I laid it there as a reminder to catalogue it on LibraryThing.

2. Are you reviewing it, is it your favourite, or is it there for some other reason and specify.
I have not yet read this book, but I'm so anxious to get started. This book is different than what I normally read and just by reading the dust jacket and other snippets, I am already curious to get to know Vida and Margaret, the two heroines of the story. It promises to be an interesting tale. This book I'm reading for my own pleasure.

3. Go to page 38 and write down from the 2nd paragraph, the first 4 sentences. (Actually this is the second and third paragraph to make up 4 sentences.)

She ushered me in and closed the door behind me. The key turned in the lock without a sound and there was not a squeak as the well-oiled bolts were slid noiselessly into place.

Standing there in my coat in the hallway, I experienced for the first time the most profound oddity of the place. Miss Winter's house was entirely silent.

4. Tag 4 friends and pass them this avatar.
Instead of tagging individuals, I'm going to leave this open for anyone who would like to participate. Thanks Jo-Jo for tagging me for this meme. It was fun and now I'm even more excited about reading this book!

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