Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about the library…
How often do you visit the library? Do you have a scheduled library day/time, or do you go whenever? Do you go alone, or take people with you?
I'm ashamed to say I only started visiting my library regulary a little over a year ago. I seem to run hot and cold with it. However, being as broke as I am and not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep my job, the library is fast becoming my best friend. I just can't afford to buy any books right now. Honestly, I have enough books at home and on my library list to keep me busy for several months, but I have no will power when it comes to books, especially when my favorite authors have new ones come out!
Because I work weekdays, I usually go to the library on Saturdays. However, ff there's a book that's being held for me and I am not looking for anyting else, I'll run in on my lunch hour to pick it up. The library isn't far from my office, which is nice.
Because of my eye disease, I always have someone with me because sometimes I need assistance. It's just so much easier and quicker to have someone along instead of me fumbling around, bumping into everything on the way in. However, I'm planning to spend more time browsing, which I don't get a chance to do, this summer and I'll be dropped off and picked up later when I'm ready to go. Our library is only about 4 years old so it's really nice and roomy. Believe it or not, the building used to be a big grocery store and when I was 16 I used to work there after school! How funny is that?! I'm looking forward to spending more time in my library this year.

the library is a great alternative to spending money you don't have. I am all about books for free so me and my librarian are very good friends
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about wanting to buy books of our favorite authors. FOUR of my favorites have either just released book or will be in the next couple of months! I love that the empty store was put to a good use rather than just sitting there empty.
My local branch of the library is quite small. Certainly not giant supermarket big! But I like to think of mine as
ReplyDeleteThe outside with the arch has that big grocery store or department store feel to it. Too funny. The library is a block away from where I work so I usually pop over every week or so, not that I need any more books but I like to browse and borrow anyway. Over the summer I'm there a lot because there is a bench outside and I like to go over and sit and read on my lunch break. In this economy I will probably continue to do more of that.
ReplyDeleteI wish the library was a bit more convenient for me, but I still get there a couple of times a month.
ReplyDeleteMy Musing Monday is up.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to cut back on buying too. I've been reserving books at the library a lot more in recent months. And I joined the Support the Library reading challenge.
I've only been using the library for audio books and DVDs. I love that I can be on a hold list and only have to go when they let me know the DVD or audio is in.
ReplyDeleteMy library is good at ordering books and at 30p. per book you can't be robbed!
ReplyDeleteLisa, I didn't know about your eye disease---that must make things hard for you. I'm sorry. As for the library I take out a pile of books and never get around to reading them. Before I started my blog I used to read a lot of books from the library. Now I'm struggling to read 10 for the Library Challenge. Either way it is fun to just go there and browse.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand people saying they are ashamed for not using the library, maybe it is just me but I feel no shame in buying my own books.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice library picture! I love libraries and have several county libraries within driving distance. I usually use the online reserve system but my son loves to browse and visit so we usually go there every few weeks. I have so many books TBR that I am not using the library as often lately.
ReplyDeleteErika Lynn: I agree, the library will be saving me lots of money this year!
ReplyDeleteKim: One of my favorite authors has a book coming out in a month or two as well. I'm saving my pennies to buy it!
Caite: Cozy is always nice!
Nicole: Actually they built a nice drive thru area under the awning for people to be dropped off when its raining which I thought was great! They also have book drops so you don't have to get out of your car!
Beth: I'm so glad our library is on my side of our fast growing city.
Mary: I've been requesting alot of books too. I reserved Kristin Hanna's new book Friday and there's 40 people ahead of me!
Yvonne: I've never borrowed audio books, but I will try that soon.
Zetor: it's nice that libraries are willing to be so helpful.
Dar: Yes, I have a progressive retinal disease (RP) that causes a lot of frustration, but I manage. Thank goodness I am still able to read my books! I usually only check out 2 or 3 books at a time for fear I won't get to them all.
Social Frog: The reason I say I am ashamed is that my county provides our sommunity with a lovely public library and I never appreciated it until recently. I still love to buy books for my own library, however in these economic times the library is a useful alternative.
Bonnie: I use the online reserve system all the time! I'm looking forward to doing more browzing this summer though.
I know what you mean about convenient locations! My library is almost within walking distance. Thanks for stopping by!