
Mar 26, 2009

BTT: Best 'Worst' Book

“What’s the best ‘worst’ book you’ve ever read — the one you like despite some negative reviews or features?”

I really struggled with this one. Since I typically don't read books that get really bad reviews, I had to think hard. Rather than not come up with an answer at all, here's my response, as shocking as it may be:

I'm going out on a limb here, but there is a book I read that got a lot of attention, and not necessarily of the good variety. It's a memoir and yes, I really did read this book! From time to time I read sports literature and being a sports fan, I enjoy those books. With that being said, back in 1997 at the height of the Chicago Bulls championship domination I picked up Dennis Rodman's BAD AS I WANNA BE. I thought This guy can't be all bad, can he? I mean, there had to be more to him than all the trash talk, right?

Anyway, much to my then-husbands dismay, I bought the book and I'm telling you, I couldn't put it down. It was so interesting to read about his childhood and all he went through in his youth. I found it to be very well written and I read the whole thing. I thought I'd probably skim the book and read the interesting parts and leave much of it unread, but that didn't happen. I truly did like the book. I did get a lot of flack from my 'peeps' when they'd see it laying on my coffee table, but you know, I just didn't care. People only see him as this freakish character who paints his fingernails and dyes his hair pink, but he had an interesting story to tell and I'm actually still glad I read the book. Lately I've been seeing him on Celebrity Apprentice and I think he seriously needs some help with his alcoholism and his anger management, but I don't hold that against him. Everybody has their demons.

So that's my best 'worst' book. What's yours?


  1. I've never read a memoir about a celebrity. I'd probably have the same reaction as your friends, seeing it lying around!

  2. This was definitely a surprise!

  3. Hehe, good one :D
    I haven't read it though, but I can understand why it would be good-bad

  4. The cover alone would have sent me screaming down the street. :-) Glad you were brave enough to pick it up in the first place. It really teaches you not to judge a book by its cover.

  5. I've never heard of this one, but it does sound interesting.

  6. Very brave of you. It does sound interesting, and I think it is always good to see someone's viewpoint.

  7. I'm sorry, but your pick just made me laugh.

  8. Definitely interesting. I now want to read this - I remember Rodman in his heyday (hayday?) and keep thinking he really couldn't be that bad.

  9. Well, yes, that really was a surprise pick! I always enjoyed watching Dennis Rodman play ball, but I think a whole autobiography might be just too much info!

  10. I didn't even know Dennis had a book out. I actually completely forgot about him, but I turned on the tv and saw him on the Apprentice. The book sounds interesting though.

    ~ Popin

  11. I remember him. I thought he was all show - just like some of those other celebs - putting on an act. Glad you liked the book. My post is up now here

  12. Well, that certainly IS a surprise...and it made me laugh a little,too!

  13. I'm surprised indeed. I haven't read any celeb memoirs or autobiography.

  14. Obviously a case of you can't judge a book by it's cover!!!

  15. My choices were Twilight and The DaVinci Code :)

  16. Lisa,
    Interesting choice!! Sometimes I think we get the "star" mixed up with who the "real" person is. Glad you liked it!! I loved watching him play b-ball back in the day!

  17. What a bold choice :) I've seen him on Celebrity Apprentice too and it is weird to see him in that environment.

  18. I think I felt similarly when I read some of Marilyn Manson's autobiography.


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