
Mar 9, 2009

Musing Mondays: New Authors

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about new authors…

What is your policy when it comes to new authors? Do you feel comfortable purchasing a book or do you prefer to borrow new authors from the library? How often do you 'try out' a new author?
Many of the books I read are from debut authors. I enjoy getting to know them through their books. I'm more likely to buy a book from a new author than from a NYT Bestselling author who is already established. I always like to look out for the new guy. I've had great experience in the ones I've been reading. A few perfect examples are Jayne Pupek, who wrote TOMATO GIRL and Hillary Jordan, the author of MUDBOUND. And let's not forget Karen Harrington, JANEOLOGY and Jess Riley, DRIVING SIDEWAYS. Those are all fantastic books by new authors. When I'm looking to buy a book, its more about 'Does the story interest me?' than 'Oh, this is a new author, should I buy this book?'. Actually, I give that little thought. However, if I do read a book from a new author and I don't like it, I'm less likely to buy one of their books in the future.

I would agree that the library is a perfect way to 'try out' a new author if you're unsure. But I do that with established authors too. Libraries are great!

What are our feelings about debut authors? Are you apprehensive about buying their books?


  1. I really love new authors. I read a lot of them. Mudbound was really excellent.

  2. I really enjoy debut authors, but I've stopped accepting most of them for review because I have had some really bad books sent my way.
    Instead I check them out at the library and decide if they are worth the time. I second you in saying that libraries are great!

  3. Hi!
    99% of my books come from my library. So I can find lots of new authors! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!


  4. I love to check out new authors but usually I get almost all of my reads from the library. I did however just buy Q&A, which Slumdog Millionaire is based from because the movie was awesome and I thought I needed to own the book!!

    Being a librarian of course I think libraries rock!!!

  5. Jayne Pupek has shown up in a few new author posts today, maybe i should get on that and discover another new (to me) author. I really love discovering new authors it is so much fun to read a completely new voice.

  6. I'm so happy to have made your list! Thanks, Lisa...hope you are well. :)

  7. That's a good point. I actually find myself reading a lot of debut authors as well. In fact, it's usually either a debut or a really old classic that I'm reading. Interesting...

  8. As a book reviewer like yourself, a majority of the books I read are from new authors. I have always been a fan of discovering the next new name in literature though and never hesitated to spend money on them. I do like to buy the bestsellers books too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!