
Apr 13, 2009

Musing Mondays: Comments

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about blog comments.

How do you respond to the comments on your blog? Do you try to email individually or comment on post yourself answering the comments above? What do you think is the best way to respond to comments and do you respond to all of them? Do you feel slighted if you don't receive a response back from the blog owner? (question courtesy of Jenn).

I agree with Rebecca, I think this is a great question! Who doesn't love to get comments? It makes my day when I have a post that generates a lot of conversation and I've always wondered about commenting etiquette. It's been kind of a grey area for me. Here's how I handle them . . .

The only time I reply to comments via email is if there's a specific question that requires a lengthy response or if I prefer it to be private. But I don't do that too often. I usually leave a comment on my blog responding to each person individually. That way, other commenters can see my responses too. In this manner, if I respond to one, I respond to all. I may not comment back on every post I publish, but I don't feel that its expected. Therefore, no, I don't feel slighted in any way if my comment doesn't gain a response. We all know how time consuming blogging can be and I would never put such high expectations on replies to comments. Of course it is nice to get a response, but to me, if I do get one, that's just an added bonus! That doesn't mean I expect one every time.

How do you handle comments to your blog? For more answers to this musing, please visit Just One More Page.


  1. Like you, I only comment via email if I need it to stay private! :) Some things are just better not blasted all over the Internet. But it's pretty rare I have to do that. If I feel like I need to respond to something or answer a question, I just reply back on my own blog -- then the confusion can be cleared up! :)

  2. I usually reply by email but am trying to also reply via comments on the blog itself.

  3. nice thoughtful response.

    I must say that it never occurred to me that by responding to questions in my own comment section - I may be answering the questions of others as well. That puts it in perspective. It is like the comment section is an extension of the post itself. Thanks for opening my eyes to what might have been obvious to others.

  4. Molly, i have always seem the comments as an extension of the post really...sometimes more interesting than the
    so with rare exception, I always respond there. usually in sort of a group response in one comment, granted

  5. I've kind of got the same idea as you. I do like to answer comments though as it's a personal touch but sometimes things just get too busy.

  6. I ususally go back to the poster and comment on their blog but occasionally I comment on my blog but how many people come back to see if you commented about their comment? it gets involved. If it is a lengthy or more private matter, i will e mail them.

  7. I try to return comments too, but sometimes theres just not enough hours in the day ;)

  8. I too consider the comments a continuation of the post. I figure for every person who asked a question, there's a handful of others wondering the same thing. So I do answers questions in my comments.

  9. I feel the same way you do! I will respond if it's needed, but mainly I do like to visit other people's blogs and there is only so many hours in one day.

  10. Ditto what Beth said. Comments are a continuation of the post and sometimes generate interesting conversation. My post is up here

  11. I pondered at this question a lot when I was an inchoate blogger. I wish to be able to reply to all the comments, given that the comments are open-ended. I also want to acknowledge all my readers and not to make them feel they are ignored. The etiquette of dealing with comments also lead to a bigger question of when and how to link a blog. Anyway, I appreciate your taking time to share your thoughts on my blog. :)

  12. LoL...I like seeing all these answers that are quite similar to my own - at least I feel like I'm doing it *right*! Altho...Kaye has a good point: How many people actually go back to see comments on their comments?! Interesting....


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!