
Apr 6, 2009

Musing Mondays: Your TBR List

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your to be read list…

As a follow up to last week's question, Joseph asked how you keep track of your tbr list. Do you have a paper list or on your computer? Do you take it with you when you go shopping? How do you decide what gets added to it?

Like most, I'm always adding books to my TBR list, so its ever-changing. Most of the books on that list were taken from book reviews I've read on the blogs that really grabbed me. I keep my main list on my computer, but I also have a wish list on LibraryThing, but come to think of it, I don't think it's up to date. I don't have the books listed in any kind of order because my reading choices change with my mood. I don't like to read too many of the same type of book back to back, so I like to mix it up. Since I don't have one of those fancy phones like Rebecca has to keep her list on, I just use a small notepad that stays in my purse. That way I always have it with me. I also have a list of authors that I want to read at some point. If I'm not looking for anything particular, I refer to that list and can always find something interesting that I've wanted to try.

For more musings visit Rebecca at Just One More Page.


  1. I can't talk my hubby into a fancy phone to keep track of my TBR list, LOL!

  2. I keep lists. There are multiple because I see new things and start new lists, and I write the same lists over again because I forgot all about the other list that I wrote. The only thing I am really faithful t is deadlines.

  3. Oh, and I hope that you are enjoying The Deretic's Daughter. I thought that was a really good one.


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