
Apr 21, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays

It's Tuesday and that means its time to pick two sentences from my current read and try to entice you into wanting to read it without giving any spoilers. We call it Teaser Tuesday and it's hosted each week by MizB at Should Be Reading.

My teasers this week are from TRUE COLORS by Kristin Hannah. I've just started reading last night so I really don't know what's happening here, but here goes...

She found Dallas in the bathroom, dripping wet, wearing a towel slung low on his hips. "Where's your gun?" she asked, watching him closely. ~ page 170


  1. That is certainly interesting. I like Kristin Hannah. Hope you enjoy the book as you get more into it. My teaser is here

  2. Oh dear my mind went straight to the gutter and down the drain. Im sure it was completely innocent that scene too :)

    Thanks for the teaser.

  3. Well now, that really is a tease! Very nice, too.

  4. OK now. You say this is Christian fiction? I'm afraid my brain went down the drain too. Could be I NEED the Christian fiction.

  5. Kaye: this is my first Kristin Hannah book and so far I really like her easy writing style.

    Caspette: Don't worry, my mind went there too.

    Joy: I like it more each time I read it! lol

    Margot: No, I don't think this is Christian Fiction. I must've missed that! lol

  6. What a yummy and provocative teaser :)

  7. LOL, great tease! I read Hannah's Firefly Lane a couple of months ago and enjoyed it. I've got this one on my TBR wish list. I'll watch for your review.

  8. Great teaser. I love that cover, too.

  9. Love Kristin Hannah. This one is on my stack ready for me to read.

  10. Can I just say that your teaser woke me right up!!! Loved it!!

  11. Great teaser! Wonder what she wants with the gun??

    Here's my Teaser from How Not to Look Old! ~ Wendi

  12. Good teaser. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this book. It's on my shelf waiting for me to read it.


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