
May 7, 2009

Facts About My Books

I decided to take a break from my usual Thursday book meme and do something a little different today.  I found this short meme from 2005 on a website called Making Light and thought it was interesting and fun.  I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to play along, leave me a comment to your post with answers about your books.  OK, here goes . . . 

Number of books I own -

At last count it was 147.  I've recently gone through some older books and traded them at the local used book store, so I'm confident that's an accurate number. 

Last book I bought - 

I bought two books yesterday. They are both by the same author, Kaye Gibbons.  One is  ELLEN FOSTER and the other is the sequel, THE LIFE ALL AROUND ME BY ELLEN FOSTER.  These books may not appeal to everyone as the subject matter, especially in ELLEN FOSTER, is kind of dark, but I enjoy reading edgy, intense stories that make a bold impression.  

Last book I read - 

THE LAST BRIDGE by debut author Teri Coyne.  I read this book in two days, which is unusual for me, but I couldn't put this one down.  It's not a big book, only 225 pages, but again, the content is intense and at times disturbing. (Am I sensing a pattern here?) This book grabs your gut and doesn't let go. At least that's how it was for me. 

Five books that mean a lot to me - (not counting the Bible, which is the most important!)

LONESOME DOVE - I'm a sucker for a great western novel and this is one of the best.  I was completely captivated by the story and group of unforgettable characters. Larry McMurtry is an amazing storyteller.

THE FIRM - When this book came out in 1992 I devoured it. No one had ever heard of John Grisham.  This was his first published novel. (A TIME TO KILL was actually his first novel, but was considered too racial) I told anyone who would listen about this amazing book and that it should be made into a movie.  The rest is history! lol

LORD OF THE FLIES - This was required reading for me in high school and even though I found it to be strange, it opened my eyes to a whole world of literature I hadn't explored at that young age. 

THE THIRTEENTH TALE - I just read this book earlier this year and fell in love with Diane Setterfield's amazing talent.  Her storytelling and prose made a huge impression on me. i just loved it. It is one of my all-time favorite books. 

INFIDEL - This memoir by Ayaan Hirsi Ali had such an impact on me.  I'm close to her age and reading about her life as a young Somali girl in Africa made me so thankful to be an American. Her candor of how she feels about Islam and the Muslim religion opened my eyes and my heart to a culture I previously had been ignorant about.  It's possibly the most astounding book I've ever read and she is undoubtedly a strong and couragous woman.

Ok, now it's your turn!  Don't forget to leave me a comment with a link to your answers. 


  1. I really need to get around to reading The Thirteenth Tale as everyone keeps raving about it.

  2. I got the 13th tale over the holidays and still have not read it...hmmm...that's terrible of me...I may catch up with it in the summer when I am taking time off from review copies.

  3. Infidel was an astonishing book! My mother and sister both loved it, too. I need to read The Thirteenth Tale...I heard the audio version is excellent.

  4. Scrap Girl & Serena: You both should make some time to read 13th Tale - I hope when you do read it you love it as much as I did!

    JoAnn: It was great, wasn't it?! A real eye opener for me. I sampled the audio version of 13th Tale and it is really good. And I'm picky about audios.

  5. You and I have read a lot of the same books. Lord of the Flies has stayed with me since high school. I loved The Thirteenth Tale and keep checking to see if she has a new book coming out. As far as I know, she does not.

    At the time, I too flew through The Firm. I thought it was a real page turner but I can't read Grisham books now. They just aren't deep enough for me. That sounds bad but what I mean is that I gravitate towards heavier storylines.

  6. Ti: Yes, we have read many of the same books. I've noticed from your reviews that we like the same kinds of books. Edgy, intense storytelling. I keep looking out for Diane Setterfield too. As far as Grisham, I haven't read a book of his in years, but I just bought The Associate. Thought I'd give it a try.

  7. I know I have at least 500 books around here, which is a problem since I keep reading blogs that make me buy more!
    I loved 13th Tale and I think you'll like Ellen Foster. I read it when it first came out and although it wasn't my type of story I did appreciate it.

  8. I haven't counted my books but I should!! I need to read 13th tale!! I really enjoyed Ellen Foster.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!