
May 5, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: The Last Bridge

It's Tuesday and that means it's time for a teaser!  You know the rules, right? You grab the book you're reading, let it fall open to a random page and pick out a couple teaser sentences to share.  And be sure not to include any spoilers!  

My teaser is from Teri Coyne's THE LAST BRIDGE. Technically, I finished it yesterday, but I still wanted to use it today.  Here goes . . . 

In spite of the cold, the window was open, no doubt at my father's request in one of his lucid moments.  My father needed cold like a vampire needs blood.  ~ page 190

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted weekly by MizB at Should Be Reading. Stop by to check out more teasers!


  1. Oh I can't stand being cold but I love that simile!

  2. That Is an excellent simile. The cover gives nothing away as far as what the book could be about. Even the title is teasing! I hope you enjoyed it. My teaser and giveaway info is here Have a great week and happy reading!

  3. that sounds interesting. And I love the cover.

  4. Sounds like an interesting read! I'll have to look into it.

  5. Love that teaser ~ my favourite so far!

  6. Great teaser! This book is on my TBR list.

  7. That cover always stops me dead in my tracks and it's such a simple cover really. Nice teaser.

  8. Now that's a great teaser! So why does he need cold so much? Hot flashes?

  9. Oh that one just makes me cold to think about it. Great teaser!

  10. I'm anxious to see your thoughts on this book. I've seen mixed reviews so far.

  11. Cold and fathers and blood and vampires - sounds fun!


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