
Jun 22, 2009

Musing Mondays: Library Habits

Today's Monday Musing is about library borrowing.

Do you restrict yourself on how many books you take out from the library at a time? Do you borrow books if you already have some checked out? Do you always re-borrow books you didn't ge to?

My response:

Since I'm not a 'rapid reader' I generally only finish one book a week, so I don't usually borrow more than I think I can read. The most I borrow at one time is three books. That being said, if I check out a book I'm not sure about, I may add another one just in case. If I have a book out that I'm almost finished with I will check out more books, but I always try to finish the ones I have before getting more. Most of the time, if I didn't get to a book, I will re-borrow it. I guess I'm pretty strict on myself with my book borrowing, but I feel like if I know I won't get to a particular book, there may be someone else that would like to read it.

When DROOD came out, I immediately put my name on the list to borrow and it took awhile for it to become available, but when it finally did, I was in the middle of a few blog tours and ARC reading and I just didn't have time to read it. I returned it unread and now I'm on the list again. That's a pretty big book, so the wait is longer than normal, but I'm looking forward to trying again.

What are your library borrowing habits? For more musings, visit Just One More Page or click here.

Recent Reviews:


  1. I'm like you...I'll only check out what I think I will be able to get to, and not overwhelm myself. I'm not a fast reader, either!

  2. I like you am not a rapid reader, but I do not have the self control that you do. I often check out more than I can read! Here. is my Musing Monday!

  3. I've been wanting to read Drood too and it was on the shelf, but with a huge stack at home, I left with another book!

  4. Ah you have a strong will. I go to the library and all of a sudden I'm a kid in a candy store!

  5. I used to use the library all the time, but rarely visit there these days.

  6. It seems that I have enough to read that keeps my schedule busy, but I have been getting audiobooks from the library.

  7. I also take my time reading, paying attention to the language and the style, so I tend not to check many books out at once. Three books would be the max. for me.

  8. I will return to borrowing from the library as soon as I finish reading all the unread books in my house.

    I figure about

  9. I seldom visit the library now. It is too far away!

    Monday whereabouts

  10. You are way too strict!! LOL!! I'd never last...I'm a greedy reader!! I would like to read Drood but the sheer size scares me!!!

  11. I'm not a fast reader which is why I don't use the library for print books. I would be too tempted to take out everything I wanted at once and then feel pressured to read them all on time. LOL I do get DVDs and audio books, though.

  12. I only read a book a week too, so don't feel bad. Unfortunately, I tend to let my review writing build up :)
    Thanks for stopping by!


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