
Jun 16, 2009

Teaser Tuesday 6.16.9

It's Tuesday and time for a Teaser!! This weekly event is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Here's what you do:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open it and let it fall open to a random page
  • Pick two sentences to share, being careful not to include any spoilers!
My teasers are from a book I just started reading this morning, but it's written by one of my favorite authors, Mary Kay Andrews. Here we go . . .

"I heard that much at church," Ella Kate said. "Way I heard it, you're mixed up with some Yankee congressman, and you and your boss, a married man, were in cahoots to try and bribe him."
"They were talking about me at your church?" I was mystified. And mortified. "Nobody in this town knows me." ~ page 175 of THE FIXER UPPER.

Yes, I know. I broke the rules this week and used more than two sentences, but I just couldn't stop myself. As I said, I only started reading this morning, but I can already tell I'm going to enjoy this book. I can always count on Mary Kay Andrews for a completely entertaining southern story. Absolutely perfect for the summer! It will be available for sale on June 23rd.

For more teasers, visit Should Be Reading or simply click here.


  1. Well, I agree - you really needed more than just a couple of sentences there. Sounds like a good read. Nice teasers!

  2. Great teaser! It doesn't matter if it is a little more than 2 sentences...sometimes you have to add a little more to get "the full effect". :)

  3. We would have been left hanging had you only used the 2. LOL.

  4. That's a great teaser...I haven't read anything by Mary Kay Andrews yet, but her books sound like they would be a hoot.

  5. Welcome to the Rebel's Club! Rarely is 2 sentences enough to even get a gist of what is happening. Hope you're enjoying the book.

  6. I've already got this on my list. Hope you like it!

  7. Good teaser. I cheat all the time and use more than two. It's gotta make some kind of sense. lol. I hope to be reading this one soon-can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.

  8. Yours is the second teaser I read this evening that used more than 2 sentences ... we have to bend the rules sometimes :)

    I haven't read anything by Mary Kay Andrews, but I like this teaser! Were you able to call in or text chat during her interview on Tuesday?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!