
Jun 30, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: 6.30

It's Tuesday and time for another Teaser! MizB at Should Be Reading hosts this fun weekly event, so if you want to play along, pop over there and let us know where your Teasers are! This is how it works -

  • Grab the book you're currently reading
  • Let it fall open to a random page
  • Select two sentences to share, being careful not to include any spolers
  • And don't forget to name the book so we know where your teasers come from
My teaser today comes from a book that I've had on my shelf for almost a year now. It seems something else always got in the way of me reading it, but no more! As with myself, I've seen it on a lot of TBR lists, but haven't actually seen many reviews for it on the blogs. The book is THE HOUSE AT RIVERTON by Kate Morton.

We clinked glasses and I leaned back against my chair, sipping champagne and savoring the tang of bubbles against my lips. Throughout my long life, whenever I have had occasion to drink champagne i have been reminded of that evening in the servants' hall at Riverton. ~ page 69

This was Kate Morton's debut novel, published in April 2008 and tells the story of the Ashbury family in England during the time of WWI. The story is told by Grace some seventy or so years after a tragic event happened at Riverton back when she was a servant in the house. She's kept all of the secrets surrounding the Riverton house until now. As a filmaker is making a movie about the events, all kinda of memories are surfacing for Grace and she feels it may be time to tell the story - the true story of what really happened.

This book has kind of a gothic feel to it at times and even though I haven't gotten too far into the story, I already appreciate the beautiful prose of Ms. Morton. I find myself completely immersed and not wanting to quit reading to do things that need to be done around my house! I hope you enjoyed my teasers today!


  1. I do want to find out what happened back then! Very nice teaser.

  2. Your review puts me in mind of Rebecca, aothlugh that might not be the case as your book unfolds. I totally understand not wanting to do bits around the house; I got all mine done yesterday so I can read today!

  3. Sounds a good read, thanks for teaser.

  4. Great teaser, I want to know what happened now.

    ~ Popin

  5. This book is already on my wish list, but your teaser makes me want to read it even more!

  6. Interesting teaser!

  7. The story line sounds excellent and I like the writing in your quote. I hope the book turns out to be a good one.

  8. Oh I loved the House at Riverton but her new one The Forgotten Garden is even better. HOR was her debut novel but it could almost have a prequel to it or a book about some of the other characters. thanks for stopping by today and relating to Podunk! That's a good one because where we are everyone thinks where you are is the "big city" where there are actually signs of life! At least you have a mall and restaurants and a B&N over there. Here there is 0.
    Enjoy your week, kiddo!

  9. I have read the book, but before I started blogging. I enjoyed it and i hope you do too!

  10. Good teaser. I'll be watching for your thoughts on this one. I've been thinking of picking it up.

  11. I need to know what happened!! Great teaser Lisa!!!!!

  12. I have read and enjoyed both of Kate Morton's books. I am looking forward to the next one too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!