
Jul 31, 2009

Friday Finds: Books About Books

What interesting books did you come across in your travels this week? Friday Finds is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. I'm especially excited about these two finds because they are books about books, which I LOVE!

The first book I found while visiting Fizzy Thoughts. It's called THE YELLOW-LIGHTED BOOKSHOP by Lewis Buzbee. It's been out for a few years and has less than 200 pages yet it sounds like a charming book celebrating books and bookshops. If you love books, this one sounds like a real gem. I can't wait to read it myself. You can read Jill's review here.

My other find this week was in a review I read at Book Chatter and Other Stuff. The book is THE SHADOW OF THE WIND by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This story starts out in Spain in 1945 and centers around Daniel, who was raised around books and after reading one particular book becomes so enthralled with it he sets out to find other books by this elusive author. This quest sends him on a path of adventure and danger. This book just screams out to me READ ME!! Thanks to Tina for such a great review and recommendation. You can read Tina's review here.

These are two books I can't wait to read! Have you read either of these books? If so, leave me a link - I'd love to read your thoughts as well. What books did you discover this week?


  1. They both sound good, Lisa. I've seen a lot about The Shadow of the Wind. Haven't read anything by that author but I know many people have!

  2. I haven't read either but they do sound good.

  3. The Buzbee book sounds great - it's going on my TBR list immediately! And Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorites of all time - Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a wonderful writer.

  4. The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop sounds great! I'm off to check out Jill's review.

  5. I'm lusting after both of those books too!

  6. I have Shadow in the Wind, but haven't got around to reading it yet.

  7. Great cover on Shadow of the Wind! Fabulous Finds!!

  8. There is an award waiting for you at my blog: :)

  9. I haven't read either but, I did read The Angel's Game by Zafon. I loved it and will definitely purchase/read TSOTW.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!