
Jul 14, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: The Only True Genius in the Family

Happy Tuesday everyone!! It's time for another Teaser! You know the rules -

  • Let your current read fall open to a random page
  • Select two sentences to share
  • Name the title of the book so we know where your teasers came from
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers in your teaser!
Today I'm sharing two sentences from THE ONLY TRUE GENIUS IN THE FAMILY by Jennie Nash . . .

"I met you when you had a camera in your hands," Harrison said, "and I've lived with you for twenty-three years, most of which time you've had a camera in your hands. It's ridiculous to suddenly say that you don't have the right DNA to be an artist." ~ page 117

I am really enjoying this book that I've wanted to read ever since it came out last year. It's very interesting to read about different types of photography while readimg a good story.
To read more fun teasers, visit Should Be Reading, hosted graciously by MizB.


  1. I like the fact he's so encouraging! My teaser is up.

  2. Great teaser, I've heard wonderful things about this book, hope you're enjoying it!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday post and for the belated birthday wishes! I still have one more present coming.. wee!
    My teaser is up at The Burton Review.
    Happy Teaser Day!

  4. Hi!
    Great teaser! I'll have to check this one out. Have a great day!


  5. Now that does sound interesting - another book to investigate!

  6. You've teased me into wanting to know more about the book. I look forward to your review!

  7. What wonderful encouragement!

  8. I've heard good things about this one. Happy Reading.

  9. Good one Lisa. I even remember that one from the book and I read it a while ago.

  10. I haven't heard of this book...I will have to look it up. I like your teaser, though. :)

  11. I've seen this book around and it looks really interesting... hope you're enjoying it.

    Thanks for posting the teaser.

  12. I love photography! This sounds like a good one.

  13. Great teaser! This book is on my WL!

  14. This sounds like a great book!!! Good teaser Lisa!!

  15. Great teaser and a very valid point :)

    My teaser is here.

  16. Reminds me of my neighbor, who's a professional photographer (and an artist with a camera.

    I don't have a place, other than here, to post my teaser, so here goes:

    This is from the beginning (page 2) of a more historical fiction, "Shooting an Albatross" by Steven Lundin.

    "Everyone has secrets, but at 94, the most disturbing secrets have a way of becoming someone’s truth. Before finding Floyd, I wondered if he remembered what he had done. Had he lived with his lies for so long that he no longer knew the truth?"

    This book (truth-based, they call it) is set in 1943, when the US Army "occupies" a golf course in Hollywood and for the only time in history an entire season of golf is canceled. The author has already written the sequel! In it, the action moves ahead two generations. I always like to find out what happens when I close the book, so this is great.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!