
Oct 1, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Liar, Liar!

Suggested by Monibo -
Saw this article (from March) and thought it would make a good BTT confessional question:

Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven't. Have you? Why? What book(s)?

In a word, NO. Although I have started some books that I never finished, I don't count those as books I've read. The main reason is that I'm a terrible liar and what if someone asks you something specific about a book that you've lied about reading? I'd rather focus on books I've actually read. I enjoy discussions with people who've read the same book as I have and lying about it wouldn't serve any purpose and in the end, it would become obvious that I hadn't actually read the book. There are many 'popular' books that the masses are reading that I do not, but I wouldn't lie just to fit in. Besides, the conversation could take a more interesting turn if asked why I'm not reading such a popular book (i.e. Harry Potter series or the Twilight series).

I find it interesting that the article lists George Orwell's 1984 as the most lied about book! I've never read that book and now I'm curious as to why so many have lied about it!

Have you ever lied about what books you've read? For more answers to this BTT question or to participate click here.


  1. I'm curious about 1984, too. I've read it several times - it's one of my favorites. But I don't see why so many people think they need to lie about it.

  2. That is interesting about 1984. I can see that. . .I know that I didn't finish it!

  3. I didn't finish 1984. We read it for school a few weeks ago, and I just lost interest once someone essentially ruined the book for me. I did awesome on all the tests and quizzes though!

  4. I tried it in high school and got caught - that cured me.

  5. I read 1984 so long ago that I might as well be lying about it for as much as I remember. I have a lot of books that I have read that are just vague memories.

  6. I think it is easy to feel like you've read 1984 or A Christmas Carol because they are such a part of the cultural lexicon. I've never read either, by the way. Maybe someday.

  7. I've never lied either, and I never read 1984. We must are in good company :)

  8. I don't lie about what I've read either. Why would you?????

  9. That's wacky. I guess people do it to appear more well-read than they actually are, but it seems so silly to me. What if someone asks you for details and you've lied that you read something? Wouldn't you look a little stupid then??


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!