
Oct 26, 2009

Musing Mondays: Take Note

Today's Musing Mondays post is about note taking.

Do you take notes while reading - either for reviews or for yourself? Howe/wehre do you make these notes (on the page, post-its, scrap paper, notebooks, etc.)?

Although I don't take notes with every single book I read, I do when there is a subject that I want to learn more about. For instance, I am a huge coffee and tea fan, so when reading NO ONE YOU KNOW by Michelle Richmond, (the protagonist was a coffee buyer), I jotted down terms and bean types mentioned in the book so that I could learn more about them.

Other times I take notes for reviews if the book has a complicated plot or storyline, if it's a long book and I don't want to forget certain points when writing my review or if there's something that jumps out at me and makes a big impression. I usually always make notes when reading audiobooks. This may be partly because I'm still new to that format and I don't entirely trust my memory. Paper formats allow you to flip around and re-read, while audios rely on your memory.

I keep a notebook that originally started as a reading journal and that is where I keep my notes for books I read. I would never write on the page! If there are certain passages I want to remember, I'll fold the tip of the page down - but I feel weird doing that! I think Post-It's area a great idea too.

Do you keep notes while reading? For more musings or to participate in this weekly meme, visit Just One More Page.


  1. I'd be lost without my notes. Have a great Monday.

  2. This is an interesting topic. I make notes quite a bit inside the books (that's probaby blasphemy to some), but I always go back to my notes as a reference.

  3. oh no...another 'book writer' just above

    I am not a note taker..which may explain why I am lost a lot!

  4. I use little post-it flags to mark passages.

  5. I always jot notes on post its or index cards to help with reviews later on.

  6. Reading is what I do for fun... so I don't take notes...I usually have very good memory... so I always remember all the books I read.

    All my books I read and own look like new. I hate putting mark or wrinkle in any of my books.

  7. I tried to take notes and then the lazy side of me won out!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!