
Oct 6, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Loot The Moon

Today is one of my favorite days of the week because it's time for Teaser Tuesday! This is where we. . .
  • Grab our current read
  • Let it fall open to a random page
  • Choose two sentences to share, without including any spoilers
  • Be sure to include the name of the book and the page number your teasers are taken from.
This is such a great way to get a taste of all the different books out there - as if my TBR pile wasn't bad enough! Oh well, I can think of much worse things!

My teasers this week are from a book that I just started reading today, so I have little insight as to what is going on really. The book is LOOT THE MOON, a new mystery by Mark Arsenault and I'd like to thank St. Martin's Press for sending it to me for review. This book will be released October 13. Here goes . . .

He took measure of his situation. After binding his feet with rope, taping his wrists together with duct tape - and choking what little fight had remained in Billy - they had bandaged the scrape on his palm with tape and an old T-shirt. That was probably so he wouldn't bleed in the car, Billy figured. ~ page 131

This is Mark Arsenault's second novel featuring the character of Billy Povich, a former journalist and 'beaten down gambler', who is trying to find the truth about a case involving a murdered superior court judge and the dead car-jacker who has been labeled the killer. As a favor to a friend, Billy noses around and he finds that things just don't add up. The closer Billy gets to the truth, the more his own life is in danger.

As I mentioned, I've just started reading this book today, but it feels like a book I'm going to enjoy. Just in glancing at the writing, I believe it's going to be a smart, swiftly paced mystery.

For more teasers and to participate in this weekly meme, visit MizB at Should Be Reading.


Recent Reviews:


  1. Yeah, bleeding in the car is not good. Not good at all. LOL

  2. Haha! I agree with Lisa - blood is murder to get out of the upholstery! :) Great teaser.

    Mine's here.

  3. I love mysteries. I really like the title of this one, "Loot The Moon."

  4. I really like the title too, and I think the cover works really well too. Enjoy!

  5. Good teaser. Makes me wonder what comes next.

  6. Good teaser....good title....will have to put this on my TBR list!

  7. Sounds like Billy is in a bit of trouble...great teaser!

  8. It does not sound as though Billy is doing so well.
    My teaser is here:

  9. Billy is a bad spot for sure!!! Great teaser!

  10. Sounds like he is in a really bad position.

    Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

  11. Hi Lisa,

    Ohhh thriller, great teaser.... Here is mine.

    Thanks for introducing me to Teaser Tuesday

  12. This looks like my kinda book. I look forward to hearing morea bout it.

  13. Sounds like my kind of book! (and blood is hard to get rid of...)
    Here's mine


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