
Nov 20, 2009

Friday Finds 11.20.09

Friday Finds is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. It's a place where we can share books that we've discovered this week that interest us.

I discovered my find this week while visiting Marce's blog, Tea Time With Marce. The book is THE WEIGHT OF SILENCE by Heather Gudenkauf. It was released in July and as soon as she mentioned it in the same sentence as Jayne Pupek's TOMATO GIRL, I knew I would probably like this book. Here's a description from Publishers Weekly:

Gudenkauf's tightly plotted debut packs a lot of unsavory doings into a few unfortunate summer days in Willow Creek, Iowa. Seven-year-old Calli Clark hasn't spoken a word in the three years since a particularly nasty run-in with her violent, wife-beating father, Griff. During a bender, Griff suddenly decides to haul his mute daughter into the nearby forest, where they get lost. At the same time, Calli's best friend Petra goes missing, and a manhunt is launched, led by deputy sheriff Loras Louis, who still carries a torch for Calli's mother. Gudenkauf moves the story forward at a fast clip and is adept at building tension. There's a particular darkness to her heartland, rife as it is with predators and the walking wounded, and her unsentimental take on the milieu manages to find some hope without being maudlin.

What books captured your attention this week?


  1. I've read a lot of great reviews of that book. Did you just get a new profile picture (with a new hairdo!) or am I late in noticing?

  2. Kathy - Yes I did change my hair - drastically! Cut about a foot of hair off yesterday! Feels very strange!

    Gautami - I don't know how I missed this one during the summer - It sounds compelling and that is the type of book I really enjoy the most.

  3. I'll watch for your review on this. That cover is very eye-catching.

    Speaking of eye-catching, I love your new profile -cute hair-do!

  4. I won a copy of this book during the BBAW but haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it sure looks good! And I love the new do!

  5. To see what books captured my attention: See the books featured on my blog.

  6. I have this book in my TBR looks good!

  7. I have this you're making me want to stop, drop everything and start reading it!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!