
Jan 7, 2010

Booking Through Thursday: Gifts

Since this is the first BTT for the new year, today's question is a perfect way to kick it off. Barbara wants to know...

What, if any, books did you get for Christmas last month? (Or whatever holiday you celebrated last month) Do you usually ask for books on gift-giving occasions or do you prefer to buy them yourself?

Typically, since most of my family and friends are not big readers, I usually don't expect books as gifts. That said, my mom is familiar with Amazon and she knows about my Wish List on that site that has many books on it that I would love to have, but most of the time, I buy my own books. This year was the first year I received a gift card to a book store. It was from my sister and I was truly surprised. Linda is not a reader and like many other non-readers, books aren't something that comes to her mind when gift-giving. But I was thrilled to get it! Honestly, I don't think she realizes how much I love books and reading. She also made the comment one day that I get so many books from publishers and authors that I probably don't need to buy any books. But I quickly explained to her that although, yes, I do get many books that way, they aren't all necessarily what I would choose for myself. She hadn't thought about it that way and I think that's what prompted her to reconsider the book store gift card.

So yesterday, I went to the book store and I used my gift card! They had tables and tables of books on sale and I perused them for almost an hour - it was HEAVEN! Since I'm not able to drive, I rely on others to take me places, so I don't get many opportunities to spend a lot of time browsing for books. But I did come home with three that I am so excited about. They are . . .
  • ON AGATE HILL by Lee Smith - a post Civil War Historical Fiction book that I have wanted to read for awhile. (I may dive into this one first)
  • THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET by Karen White - Not only do I love the cover of this book, I've had my eye on it for some time.
  • THE WEIGHT OF SILENCE by Heather Gudenkauf - I saw this book on the blogs recently and knew I must read it.
When leaving the book store, my sweet mother saw John Grisham's FORD COUNTY and said, 'Oh, you had that on your list and I meant to get it for you and I totally forgot!' I smiled and said, 'That's OK Mom, I have a birthday coming in March!' as we went laughing out of the store.

What books did you get for Christmas?


  1. I am adding those to my TBR list. My BTT:

  2. An hour in a book store does sound heavenly. I really want to read The House on Tradd Street. I got a cookbook and a gift card for Christmas.

  3. I also want The House on Tradd Street. My list is under a different meme at The Crowded Leaf.

  4. None of my family reads much, either, but they indulge me. :-) That was very thoughtful of your sister.

    I probably should tell my family that if gift cards are easier for them than finding the titles I want, that that's ok.

  5. Browsing in book stores is probably my favorite way to spend the day. Well, besides reading, of course! And I love that cover on "Tradd Street" too!

  6. Oh, I love a bookstore gift card! You did very well with yours :)

    I was a very lucky girl this Christmas! Here is my BTT response.

  7. I too love browsing book stores especially the small intimate ones. My hubby gave me the book "Born to Run" which I didn't think I would like but I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm training for a marathon and the book is motivating me in new ways.

  8. I LOVE to get books as gifts! I also enjoy giving favorite books to others. For Christmas, I got two books from my husband: Mudbound and Time of My Life (which I just finished). I gave my Mom The Help - she loved it just as much as I did!


  9. I prefer to buy them myself... I have too many books I want to give away already and I don't want to get another book to my clutter.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!