
Jan 12, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 01.12.10

It's Tuesday and that means it's time for a Teaser Tuesday hosted by MizB! !If you'd like to play along,follow these simple rules:
  • Grab your current book
  • Let it fall open to a random page
  • Pick two teaser sentences, being careful not to include any spoilers
  • Be sure to include the name of the book and page you got your teasers from
It's that easy! Now on to the fun . . .

This week, I'm taking my teasers from THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET by Karen White. I haven't gotten as far with the book as I'd hoped, with everyday life getting in the way of my reading time, but I am really enjoying this book. So, lets get to my teaser . . .

I studied Jack's face in the dim light of the single bulb, seeing his chiseled features and sad eyes, and listened as the house breathed around us, as I reconciled myself to the fact that I needed to find not one missing woman, but two. I told myself it wasn't to right old wrongs, or grant an old man's dying request: It had everything to do with getting the dead people to leave me alone. ~ pages 149-150
To read more fun teasers, visit Should Be Reading


  1. Wow, that sounds deliciously spooky! And I love the cover on this one. Great teaser!
    Here's mine.

  2. Sounds very interesting! I will have to check this book out. :)

    Here's my teaser...

  3. Whoo, gives me chills. I need that book! Ha Seeing that Fl had a few snow flakes this past weekend my teaser is from the Chocolate Snowman Murders and can be found here

  4. Nice teaser - I've heard good things about this book.

  5. Very interesting, I will be looking into this novel. My TT:

  6. You picked a good teaser Lisa. I really enjoyed this book. I look forward to your thoughts on it.

  7. Great teaser!!! I did mine on this book too!!

  8. Great teaser! This book is on my wishlist and I look forward to reading it.

  9. I liked this one. Hope you do too.

  10. I hope that you will join the discussion of The House on Tradd Street this Sunday on Barney's Book Blog!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!