
Feb 8, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Last week was a great reading week for me and I'm hoping to keep up the momentum through this week as well. I finished two books last week . . .
JANEOLOGY by Karen Harrington - I'm so glad I finally read this book. It's a very interesting subject matter in a compelling story. I'll be posting my review in a few days.
THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET by Karen White - I've had this book on my TBR list for so long and I'm glad I've finally read it. I just love the cover of this one! You can read my review here.
I also posted my review of LIVING DEAD IN DALLAS by Charlaine Harris. This is book two of the Southern Vampire Series. You can read that review here.

For this week I'll be reading . . .

THE GIRL ON LEGARE STREET by Karen White - This is the sequel to THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET that was released last November.

HUSH: A NOVEL by Kate White - I received this advanced copy from AuthorsOnTheWeb last week and have just begun reading it so I don't know too much about it yet.

This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Persons Journey Through A World of Books and anyone is welcome to join in. What are you reading this week?


  1. I hope this week will be another good reading week!

  2. hehe you have a few different "White" named authors on your list! Looks like a good week for you =)

  3. HOpe you have a good reading week. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Legare Street.

  4. I really want to read Janeology also...and I do have Legare Street on my shelf at home. I really need to read faster! lol

  5. The books all look interesting and I know so little about them, I will need to broaden my horizons. Have a wonderful week reading. My Monday:

  6. I'm going to be starting Living Dead in Dallas this week. I'm really enjoying the Sookie Stackhouse series!

  7. I can't wait to read your review of Janeology - it's been in my TBR pile too long!

  8. Janeology was pretty interesting. I'm glad you got some great books read. Hope all else is well with you, Lisa.

  9. I've been hearing a lot of good things about the Janeology book, but haven't read it yet. And I really want to read The House on Tradd Street - and I agree about the cover! Hope you have another great week of reading.

  10. You did have a great week!! The books you're reading this week sound great...enjoy!

  11. Nice line-up of books, I hope your reading streak continues :-)

  12. The cover of the first book sure reminds me of the cover for the book "The Adoration of Jenna Fox" =) Hope that your reading time this week will be as enjoyable as the past. Good day!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!