
Feb 2, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 2.2.10

Teaser Tuesday is hosted each week by MizB at Should Be Reading. It's a fun way to share the books we're reading by offering a sample of writing. Here's how it works:
  • Open your current book to a random page
  • Select two sentences to share being careful not to include any spoilers.
  • List the name, author and page number you took your teasers from
I'm continuing on with a book I used last week and will be finishing later today. The premise of this book is so interesting and different than any other book I've read. It's the psychological thriller JANEOLOGY by Karen Harrington . . .

"What we don't know about our mothers and fathers may be all for the better," I said. "But truly, would it change a person to learn in the middle of life that his bloodline is something altogether different than he thought?" ~ page 183


  1. Interesting thought.

  2. Interesting. Didn't realize Janeology was a thriller. I might have to give it a look. Excellent teaser!
    Here's mine.

  3. What a wonderful teaser. I do agree or at least my mother would. Wonderful choice!

    I am reading Iron King so just had to use it for my teaser. Here is my blog where you can find it:

  4. Fantastic teaser! Really interesting. Sounds like a great read.

    Here’s mine:

  5. Great teaser...I will be looking forward to your review!

  6. Very interesting teaser!!! Are you enjoying this one?

  7. Now that would be a shock - learning you were really someone else...Nice tease.

    By the way, Books and Cooks - I have a cookbook giveaway over on my blog! Hope you visit!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!