
Apr 20, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Hush by Kate White

To play along each week follow these simple rules -
  • Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page
  • Choose 2 sentences to use as teasers
  • Do not include any spoilers that may give away the plot
  • List the name of the book and page your teasers are taken from

My teasers are coming from HUSH by Kate White. This is a thriller about a marketing consultant whose first lover since her split from her husband has just been murdered. Lake Warren is scared of not only being named a suspect but even more terrified of losing her two young children in a custody dispute. Here's my teasers...

Finally there was someone who could help her dig for the truth. There was no guarantee of Rory coming across anything, but this was a start. It felt like that moment when a nightmare begins to disintegrate from feeling utterly terrifying and you sense for the first time that you've been dreaming. ~ page 273

Teaser Tuesday is hosted graciously each week by MizB at Should Be Reading. Be sure to stop by and catch more interesting and intriguing teasers!


  1. Oh, wow! I have this one on my "up next" stack, so now I can't wait!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. Awesome teaser! This sounds like a book my mom might like!

  3. Good teaser.

    I'm finding several blogs that are new to me by visiting Teaser Tuesday posts.

    I have a teaser two-fer on Rose City Reader.

  4. Great teaser! I loved it! Hope you will like mine too. It is from Love is Hell, the collection of short stories with a teaser for each one!

  5. Loving that teaser!!! I want to read this one!

  6. Sounds great! I have this one in my TBR.

  7. Great teaser. I've heard this book is really good.

  8. I've read a lot of postive things about this one. I hope you are liking it, Lisa. Have a great week. My teaser is here


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!