
May 15, 2010

On My Wishlist #3

On My Wishlist is a Saturday meme hosted by Book Chic City where we spotlight books that we have wanted to add to our library but just haven't done it yet. They can be classics, new releases or even yet-to-be-released books.

Today my wishlist book is THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN by Kate Morton. I've seen nothing but favorable reviews for this second novel from Morton. I absolutely loved THE HOUSE AT RIVERTON that was released in 2007. (My review here) Here's a description of THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN -

A lost child: On the eve of the First World War, a little girl is found abandoned on a ship to Australia. A mysterious woman called the Authoress had promised to look after her - but has disappeared without a trace. A terrible secret: On the night of her twenty-first birthday, Nell Andrews learns a secret that will change her life forever. Decades later, she embarks upon a search for the truth that leads her to the windswept Cornish coast and the strange and beautiful Blackhurst Manor, once owned by the aristocratic Mountrachet family. A mysterious inheritance: On Nell's death, her granddaughter, Cassandra, comes into an unexpected inheritance. Cliff Cottage and its forgotten garden are notorious amongst the Cornish locals for the secrets they hold - secrets about the doomed Mountrachet family and their ward Eliza Makepeace, a writer of dark Victorian fairytales. It is here that Cassandra will finally uncover the truth about the family, and solve the century-old mystery of a little girl lost.

Well, I don't know about you but this book sounds to me like it has everything I love in a book. At 560 pages, its a bit of a chunkster and maybe that's why I've put it off for so long, but I'm ready to dive in to this very intriguing-sounding story. Have you read this book? If so, leave me a link to your review, I'd love to read it!


  1. Ooooo, sounds so good! Hope you get to read it soon.

  2. I haven't read it but I want too and it just came out in paperback!!

  3. That looks like a great book, I will have to check it out.
    Kelly Bookend Diaries

  4. I saw this at Sams the other day and it looked sooo good! I have so many to review right now and when I saw how thick it was I thought I better wait to get it.
    Sounds awesome though!

  5. BTW ~ Love your blog and am going to follow :)


  6. I've wanted to read this. It sounds so good.

  7. I have read this book and it was amazing. Here is my review:)

    Even though it is long it won't seem that way once you get into it:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!