
Jul 20, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 7.22.10

This week I'm reading A RELIABLE WIFE by Rick Goolrick. I've been wanting to read this one for quite some time and now that I am, I'm surprised at how different the story is from what I expected. I've received several comments from people who've read this book and their opinions vary widely. I have to say, most people really liked it, but still some didn't feel that way at all. Here's my teaser from page 116 . . .

She felt that she was being watched herself, so that reports might be sent to Truitt about who this Catherine Land was when she was away from the white wilderness. She was careful to reveal nothing, although she didn't know whether eyes were on her or not.

If you have a teaser you'd like to share or would like to read more teasers, please stop by MizB's Should Be Reading each Tuesday.


  1. great teaser...I wish that I would have read this during a blizzard, that's the only way it could have been better, because I loved this book!

  2. Great teaser, I haven't heard of this one. Enjoy! My Teaser is here.

  3. Weird feeling that is, very nice teaser.

    Mine is here.

  4. What a great teaser. I've been wanting to read this book mostly because I live in Wisconsin. I will be anxiously awaiting your review!

  5. This is a good piques my interest, and I'm now wanting to read the book.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I've been seeing a lot about this book, too, and it seems people either really love it or really hate it. I hope you enjoy(ed) it! Thanks for visiting me today!

  7. Haven't read it, but interesting teaser :)

  8. Good one!

    Thanks for visiting Proud Book Nerd! :-)

  9. Nice teaser..but I have to say this is not my kind of book tho

  10. I have this one here somewhere to read.

  11. Excellent teaser! I started this one a few months ago, but couldn't get into it, so had to put it aside. But it does have a lot of fans, so I might give it another try one of these days. Hope you enjoy it.

  12. Good teaser. I do have this book on my shelf but I'm anxious to hear what you're going to say about it. I've really seen mixed opinions on it too.

  13. Good teaser. I've heard good things about this book.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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