
Jul 4, 2010

[TSS] Happy 4th of July!

I'm getting a late start on my Sunday Salon post today, but considering my weekend so far, I'm amazed I'm getting it done at all. July 4th weekend is always a pretty big deal for me and my family and friends. Not only do we celebrate our nation's birthday and all that that entails, but there's also a pretty big NASCAR race in Daytona, which is near where I live. My sister usually has a get-together at her place and its always a good time. Yesterday was no exception. We had good food, good people and great entertainment in the form of the Coke Zero 400. Even with the rain delay, we still enjoyed the race when it finally got started. One of my sister's friends from high school was visiting from out of town and it was a lot of fun catching up with her. It was a pretty late night so I am moving a little slower than normal today. In fact, I only moved from the couch to come in here and write this post! It's thundering and raining outside which makes me feel even more lazy.

Even though I did sleep in a little, I managed to get a good amount of reading done this morning. As you may know, I got my Kindle on Tuesday and I have had so much fun playing with it. The first thing I did was to download my free copy of LITTLE WOMEN because I've never read it all the way through before. The first book I purchased was Linda Castillo's SWORN TO SILENCE, which I am loving. It's a great story that I am having a hard time putting down. I've really only had about two days of good reading but I'm already half way through the book. Linda Castillo is such a great writer of suspense and mystery. I'd borrowed the book from the local library a couple months ago but had to return it unread and I always wanted to get back to it. I'm really glad I did.

Once I finish SWORN TO SILENCE, I'm going to read BACKSEAT SAINTS by Joshilyn Jackson that just came out early last month. You may remember that Jackson also released the very popular GODS IN ALABAMA in late 2007. Have any of you read that one?

Well, the clock is ticking and my Kindle is calling my name, not to mention, my cat, Jax, just walked across my keyboard letting me know it's his turn for some attention. I hope everyone is having a wonderful July 4th! Thanks for stopping by and please do come back soon!


  1. Oh! I didn't know Jackson had a new book out! I did read Gods in Alabama and Between, Georgia, and loved them both. I'll have to add this to my TBR list. Haven't read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming yet either.

  2. Happy Independence Day! I can't believe you're never read Little Women all the way through - you must rectify that soon!

  3. Happy Fourth!

    Sounds like a perfect way to celebrate.

    I just finished reading my final book on my list.

    My review is up and I added it to my salon post here:

  4. I really liked Gods in Alabama. I have Backseat Saints but before I read it I have a stack of review books to get through. Enjoy your Kindle, Lisa!

  5. Sounds like you had one heck of a weekend! good thing for you that it rained so you could recuperate!! How are you liking the Kindle so far? Has it helped with the fatigue on your eyes??? I'm leaning towards the Kindle more every day!!! Get cracking on Little Women!!

  6. Sounds like a really fun weekend! I actually never read Little Women at ALL - I just saw the movie! :--)

  7. Sounds like a great 4th celebration -- and congratulations on becoming the proud owner of a Kindle!

  8. Yay on the Kindle! I love mine and want everyone to own one so we can gush about it.


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