
Sep 29, 2010

W.W.W. Wednesdays

To play along, simply answer these three questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you planning to read next?

My responses:

What are you currently reading? Although I don't make a habit of it, I'm reading two books right now. The first is FINDING NOUF by Zoe Ferraris. I've wanted to read this since it first came out and now that the follow-up, CITY OF VEILS is out, I need to get busy! Also, my aunt (the only other reader in the family) is reading it with me. The other book is UP FROM THE BLUE by Susan Henderson. I just added it to my Kindle last night so I haven't actually started reading yet but plan to today.

What did you recently finish reading? Recently I finished STILTSVILLE, a debut novel by Susanna Daniiel [Review Here] and FORGIVING TROY, a compelling memoir by Thom Bierdz [Review Here].

What are you planning to read next? Next up for me is FALLING HOME by Karen White. I'm a huge fan of her work and I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of this one that is due out in November.

To find out what books other readers are enjoying, visit MizB at Should Be Reading for more answers to W.W.W. Wednesdays.


  1. I can't wait to see what you think of Finding Nouf since I loved City of Veils.

  2. Finding Nouf has been on my TBR for forever -- I can't wait to see your review!

  3. Stiltsville sounds interesting, and I have to say I think it would be a neat place to spend a few days away, reading of course!

    Thanks for visiting my WWW!

  4. My copy should be showing up soon..can not wait to read this one!!

  5. I haven't read anything by Karen White in awhile, but she's always good.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!