
Oct 13, 2010

W.W.W. Wednesdays (10.13.10)

Answer these three questions to play along on W.W.W. Wednesday:
  • What book(s) are you currently reading?
  • What book(s) did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you planning to read next?
My responses:

  • What are you currently reading?
The two books I'm reading now are FINDING NOUF by Zoe Ferraris and a new book by Emma Donoghue called ROOM.
  • What did you recently finish reading?
Last week I finished UP FROM THE BLUE by Susan Henderson.
  • What are you planning to read next?
Next up for me is Karen White's FALLING HOME, which comes out next month.

For more W.W.W.'s please visit MizB at Should Be Reading.


  1. All of these books look great. I read Zoe Ferraris' second book, but not the first. My WWW is at The Crowded Leaf.

  2. All your books look great also!!

  3. Falling Home looks interesting. I will have to google it and read what it is about. Thanks for visiting me.

  4. They all sound really good. Enjoy!

  5. Room sounds very interesting, I may have to give that one a try!

    Thanks for visiting my WWW today!

  6. Both of the ones you are reading look great...I'm waiting for my copy of Falling Home to arrive, they ran out of ARCs so she's sending me a completed copy. Enjoy !

  7. Every book you mentioned looks fabulous!

  8. Falling Home looks good. I hope you like Room. I really enjoyed it despite the fact that it is a really tough book to get through.

  9. I get frustrated doing this blog hop, it makes me want to read all these books I've never even heard of before. Argh!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!