
Dec 14, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: 12.14.10

The rules are simple for Teaser Tuesday -
  • Grab your current read
  • Let it fall open to a random page
  • Select two teaser sentences to share being careful NOT to include any spoilers!
  • Name the title, author and page number of the book your getting your teasers from
Today my teasers are from THE GOOD THIEF by Hannah Tinti . . .

At first the screams were pleading. Ren could make out words. "Stop! Leave it on! Please!" the voice begged. ~ page 130

For more teasers and to play along, visit MizB at Should Be Reading each Tuesday. Its a great way to get a glimpse into some really good books.


  1. Intriguing! I will have to add this book to my wishlist. I have two this week. My YA teaser comes from Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers and my adult teaser comes from Side Jobs by Jim Butcher. Happy reading!

  2. Very nice....makes me wonder what's going on.

    here are my teasers:


  3. This looks promising. I hope that you are enjoying your book. Wanna see what my Teaser for Tuesday is?

  4. Here is my teaser from Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz (Page vii):

    I used to be the kind of guy that would have no problem reading Playboy or Hustler on an airplane, but that me in "the before," and nearly everything has changed since that time in my life a little over a year ago.

    This is not a coming of age story.

    If that's what you're wanting then I suggest you put this down and read something else: something with a happy ending. Like Penthouse.

    Or: the funny pages.

    This is me giving you your official warning.

    Because where this goes, you might not be ready for.

  5. Oh dear, now I'm going to have to read this one to find out what's going on! Great teaser!

  6. Great teaser. I keep meaning to read this. You can see my teaser here if you'd like to pop by.

  7. Great teaser!!! It's one I've wanted to read too!

  8. That has my interest peeked, is someone kidnapped?

    My Tuesday Teaser

  9. the cover and the title have me wanting to read the book--and your teaser is very intriguing. Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!