
Jan 6, 2011

Friday Finds: A Couple of Mysteries

Friday Finds is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading where we share books that we've discovered during the week. They can be old or new, it doesn't matter! Its a great way to pass the word around about new-to-you books.

My Friday Finds:
This crime fiction novel written by two Swedish authors has gotten rave reviews and has put them in the same category as Stieg Larsson. This book was named Sweden's Best Crime Novel of the Year in 2009. This English version was just released this week. You can read a brief synopisi here on Amazon.

This book was released last month to positive reviews and it sounds to me like a promising new mystery series. It has some paranormal elements in the form of a ghost of a murdered collegue but it doesn't sound like it's too over the top. I like a little paranormal with my mysteries - how 'bout you? I think it sounds like a fun series to try. You can read the synopsis here on Amazon. If you're a Kindle user, ou can download it for only $5.99, which is a great deal!

Those are my finds for the week What books did you discover in your travels this week? Be sure to visit Should Be Reading for more finds and to play along! Have a great Friday!


  1. I have heard good things about 3 seconds. Great find!

  2. I've seen a lot of buzz about Three Seconds and I agree that it looks great.

  3. three seconds is on my wish list and I loved the other one!

    Here is my Friday Find

  4. Nice mystery finds.

    Here are my FF


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