
Jan 10, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The Good Thief

Today is Tuesday and that means its time for a teaser! All you have to do is grab your current read, let if fall open to a random page and choose two teaser sentences to share! Be sure to list the title, author, and page number of the book you've taken your teasers from. Also, be careful NOT to include any spoilers! MizB at Should be Reading hosts this weekly meme so be sure to drop in over there for many more teasers!

My teasers are from THE GOOD THIEF by Hannah Tinti. I'm almost finished with this one and it sure has been an interesting ride! Here are my teasers -

Tom tried to pour another glass, but the bottle was done. He scowled. "So big when you were setting off. I knew you'd come back empty-handed."
"I'm not empty-handed," Benjamin said. "I have a boy." - page 61

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  1. Ooh, very intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine:

    (click on my name)

  2. here's mine

  3. Oh um wonder what is gonna happen next. Great attention getting teaser.

    My Teaser Tuesday

  4. Great teaser! I want to know what happens next :)

  5. I have been meaning to read this book for years! Enjoy!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from you again soon!